Tuesday, May 27, 2008

oh dear

No blog in almost a month. Disgrace. As I get towards the end of my first year I am becoming more and more lazy with the blogging, apologies to anyone who has been waiting for a post.

After my last post the next event that merits a blog mention was the Olympic torch arriving in Seoul at the end of April. I am not sure what to think regarding China hosting this years games, I am a big fan of the games themselves but all the Tibet issue and the human rights issues have been casting a shadow over the actual event, but I don't really enough about the specifics to feel strongly about it. I went to view the torch out of curiosity more than anything else.
Here is the Facebook album of that day:


Here is a video of the torch going past. Be warned..... IT IS LOUD! (not my screaming though)

There were so many police and Pro-Chinese supporters that I never saw any attempt made to grab it, although apparantly there was one attempt along the route, though at City Hall, where I was, that would have been impossible. Still, it was interesting to see the whole circus.

The first two weekends of May were long ones for us, we had both the Mondays off, so on the first one we went to the "World DJ festival" on the banks of the Han river in Seoul. The Saturday was an amazing day weather wise, so Colin, Ian, Dominic and I headed in to see some of the acts. It was a great day and night, although some of the music was questionable. We didn't stay for the Sunday, which I am glad about because it rained.

Photos: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=112956&l=34597&id=777495416

This album also has some photos of the preceding "Food Day" at one of my schools, where the kids had no classes and were instead given tokens to buy various different kinds of food (pancakes, juice, some Korea food) and myself and Dom were given the unenviable task of manning the "Toast and Jam" station. So we basically spent all day toasting and spreading. Surprisingly hard work. I thought about making a joke with jam or crumbs or something but i'm not going to.

The next weekend we headed out to one of the islands about an hour from Incheon called Deokjokdo. I would say it has been one of the highlights of my year so far. Beautiful weather, a nice beach, a few beers, and some good folk. A thoroughly enjoyable couple of days.

Photos: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=114771&l=66404&id=777495416

I ended up getting very burnt, especially on my arms which are still peeling away (too much info?). But it was worth it. I am trying to organise a proper party out there in July, maybe a mini beach party with a sound system, DJ and such, but there is a lot to sort out in a country that doesn't speak much English so it's going slowly. Fingers crossed it will happen though.

Here is a video of myself and Neil Munro's EPIC battle on the "Hite Can knockdown trophy". It finished 3-3 after I downed it to equalise on the last throw of the game. The trophy's owner will be decided at a later date.

Since those weekends, things have quietened down a bit, although they are still proving quite entertaining. I have been to a few baseball games, next to the football stadium here in Incheon, to watch the supposably mighty SK Wyvrens play. They are top of the league by a long way, but I have been to three games now and they have lost every one. Jinxed? Anyway, it is good entertainment and I am starting to understand the rules. The "Random Korea" album has a few shots from one of the games.


Last weekend there was a festival at the biggest university in Incheon, Inha, so we went along to that. All the different societies set up their own beer tents for the week and sell very cheap beer and Soju. We met up in the Japanese tent and then headed to the Chinese one, but it was the last night so I think a lot of the tent runners wanted to pack up early and go and spend their profit. We ended up going to a 'normal' bar and then a singing room (or 노 래 방 , I can write a little bit of Korean now....but i'm slow!).

photos: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=118437&l=9c0c9&id=777495416

And that pretty much brings us up to speed I think. My current school situation is; still at 3 schools, although I am no longer at Nam-Dong....I think there was a legal issue surrounding me working there which I still don't fully understand, anyway I had my last day at the end of April, was quite sad to leave as I liked the staff, my classroom and above all, the majority of the kids very much. I am currently working two days at the new In-Dong campus (where Dominic works), two days at the main campus (a huge place that mainly teaches middle and high school kids) and one day at the original In-Dong campus. I like that day the most as my timetable is light, although the classes are huge (15-20 average, 27 top) and I get on with the teachers really well.

As of last Friday I told my current director I would not be returning to her school(s) next year, and last night me and Neil had a meeting with another GnB director in Yeonsu-Dong where we signed contracts to be at her school next year. My start date will be the 22nd Septemeber, which gives me just under a month back in the UK, around the right length of time I feel. I am very happy to have got a new job sorted out and i think it will be good, the schools I will be working at have a good reputation and the hours/classes should be less, and we are getting more money. Plus I will get a double bed in my new apartment! Oh....pardon.

As it is now less than 3 months until I do finish my year here, I have started to think about how I will get home. The Beijing trip has been abandoned, partly due to the craziness surrounding the Olympics but mainly because I wanted to travel from there to Hong Kong by train but you can't pre-book, so I don't want to run the risk of not being able to get to HK in time for a flight.

The new (and I hope final) plan is to get the ferry to Qingdao in China (where the sailing bit of the Olympics is), then fly to Shanghai and then fly home from there. I am planning on a few days in Qingdao and a few in Shanghai which I think will be ample. After I send money home this week I will book my Shanghai-London ticket, and then next month will book the other short flights (Qingdao - Shanghai and London - Scotland) as well as the ferry to China. All very exciting. Although I am still enjoying the teaching, and loving Korea, I would be lying if I said i wasn't keeping an eye on the calendar.

Well, I think that's all for now, I need to go and get ready for school. Love to all,
