Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Ok, Here is my new address for my APARTMENT. I type apartment in capitals because I now live on the the 9th floor of a big block of flats, so anything larger than a postcard/letter may not make it up to me. I will put up the address for anything larger (wishful thinking?!) when I get it, it will be Sunny's school.


South Korea
Incheon City
Duson Iriom (Building) 3 Cha.
Apartment 907


인천 시
연수 2 동
두손 이리옴 3차

If you can somehow print out the korean one in I think that would be better.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

2nd Year!

Well, here we all are.

After a great month back home, I have now been back out in Korea for almost 3 weeks. The time at home was a little longer than expected, but it did give me a chance to see lots of people and things I wasn't expecting to see, which was great. Here are the Facebook album links (which expire after about 3 months I think, so click them while they're fresh)

Back in UK 1:

Back in Uk 2:

Back in UK 3:

I left the UK on the 5th of october and after a seamless flight with Asiana (clap clap) got into Incheon airport on the afternoon of the 6th. Greg and Neil came and met me which was great, and we headed back to my new home. Those of you with Google Earth will find me by typing N - E. That's my apartment building. It's further south by about 5 subway stops than last year, in an area with quite a lot of Westerners (last year there was only me) which is both good and bad. The main difference from last year however, is the size of my flat. Last year I would have struggled to swing a kitten...this year i could probably manage maybe a cheetah, or a small lion. Due to some nice presents (thanks D&A), various purchases made last year (thanks Mastercard) and a deal I made with my boss this year (thanks Sunny), I now have lots of electronic gadgetary....something I love. The more flashing lights the better. the pinnacle of this is my new 40" TV which takes pride of place (and most of the other space) in the flat. Here a couple of photos of it getting installed.

I am sporting a really big cheesy in the 2nd photo which I think expresses my feelings well. My plan is to buy a sofa (you can get a good one out here for about 100 quid ) and then I will be content. Until then, we are taking turns sitting on my bed, two uncomfy chairs and my old TV whilst playing Tiger Woods golf or Guitar Hero on the PS3. Despite all this technology, I have also joined the gym, and am trying to lose the extra pounds gained back in the UK. I adpoted a 'go mental, cause you're not getting it for another year' approach whilst back home, and it took its toll on my body. But now I am a member of 'Techno Gym' I feel a change. With a name like that, it has to.
But what about the teaching? Well, I'm glad you asked. Because I am working for the same company (GnB), many of the aspects of the job last year are the same, but there are some differences. The main change is that there is a lot more paperwork this year. The schools I work at now keep detailed attendances, and progress reports on all the classes, as well as phone teaching. The phone teaching requires us to contact 1 class every day and (try to) talk about what we studied that day. The problem is, the children have a hard enough time understanding us in class, so over a phoneline it is sometimes impossible. For the schools, it is more to show off to prospective parents that their children will get phone conversations with a Westerner than anything else.
Despite the increased paperload, I am enjoying the teaching as much as ever, and it is nice to be working with Greg 4 days a week. It is certainly no harder a week than last year, and at the moment is quite relaxed for me. I'm sure it'll change soon enough though......

It is Halloween a week on Friday, so Neil, Greg and I are contemplating what to wear. Any ideas? It is also our payday so no doubt it'll be a big one. there is also the various football and baseball games to go to, here is a couple of photos from a recent Incheon FC game vs Seoul FC. As close to a derby as it gets I think.

Quite a few fans in the away end (more than usual)

The Incheon Ultras going mental after we scored.

I will leave you with a rather blurry image of the sunset from my window. The two towers on the left are on New Songdo, the huge new bit of reclaimed land that is going to make Incheon a global city (maybe). you can also make out one of the huge new pillars of the Incheon bridge in the distance on the right.

Hope everyone is well, speak to you soon.