Sunday, November 16, 2008

All the leaves are brown......


As you can maybe guess from the title of this post Autumn has arrived in Korea, and the leaves are indeed turning brown, as well as many other prettier colours. Autumn in Korea is a rather brief affair, it tends to go from the heat of the summer to the freezingness (word?) of the winter with little in-between, but right now it is definitely fall (as I have to call it in school). The hat and gloves are still in the wardrobe, but it won't be long before they're needed again.
Amongst doing other things, I have been busy kitting out my apartment with various new things. The TV is proving a great buy, and on Saturday I added a sofa so I can sit in comfort instead of hurting my back on the silly chairs provided. Here is a photo of the new couch.

It's pretty big (almost 3m long) but is very comfy and at the price (300,000 Won/ 150 pounds) is a good purchase I think. I will sell it on when I leave so it is a kind of investment too. I have also (finally) restocked my fish tank after it had lain empty for almost a year. This time, the inhabitants are not lobster/crayfish/shrimp that are capable of ripping each other to bits, but more docile fish. There are 7 in total, 2 big (I say big, they are maybe 2" long) and 5 small ones. The big ones are named Ginny and (neo) Bobby, after the two mascots of GnB, my employer. The 5 small ones are collectively named Five (5ive) after the 90's boy band. Here is a photo of them in the tank.

You can see Ginny and Bobby and just about make out one of Five to the left of GnB. I am slightly worried about GnB because when i feed them, Five are always much quicker to get to the food and so I think GnB might be getting a bit hungry. I tried fishing Bobby out tonight and putting him in a little bowl and then added food, but he just stayed motionless and didn't eat anything. Stupid fish.

Other events of note....It was Halloween here a couple of weeks ago, so Greg, Neil and I dressed as cowboys and headed out on the Friday night. It was Neil's girlfriend's birthday on the Saturday so we dressed up again and went for a Italian in Seoul. As Halloween was on the Friday, i also went to school dressed as a cowboy. It's not a big day in Korea, but my school used it to have a 'points party' (where the kids use the points they have earned to buy stationary, snacks and face painting) and a lot of the kids were dressed up too. It was a nice break from teaching.

Here are a few photos from the day at school and the nights out.

I think this one looks a bit like a nightclub.

We went to the final Incheon game of the season last weekend at Munhak, Incheon needed a win ensure a play-off's place, but were sadly beaten 3-1 by local rivals Suwon. They did well in the 1st half but didn't take their chances, and crumbled in the 2nd. A shame. At the end we went down to near the pitch and repeatedly shouted at one of the players (a Serbian guy called Dragan who used to play for Rangers) until he acknowledged us. It's the little things that keep you happy I feel! So that's the football finished until March when it all begins again. Hopefully Incheon will do better next year.

And that's about all that's happened worthy of a mention in the blog I think. We are starting to think a little bit about Christmas, I think we may well head back to the Hilton in Seoul where we went last year, the food was excellent and I think it is probably the most Christmassy place in Korea on the day.

I hope everyone is doing well back in the UK or wherever you are....lots of love as always x

Oh aye, there are some more photos as always on my Facebook page, here is most recent album link: