Sunday, September 9, 2007


Hello everyone!

2 and a half weeks in, and a wee update. We went to a rock concert in Seoul yesterday, it was all Korean bands, but they did some covers of some western songs too (snow patrol Korean style anyone?). We got there at about 3 (it started at 1) after a mammoth subway journey from Incheon. The concert was on what I think was a playing field at Seoul university, which had a beautiful campus, it reminded me a bit of Stirling. The buildings looked deceptively old, but I'm sure they are pretty new (as most buildings in Korea seem to be!)

I had a great time, even managed to get down the front later on and mosh with all the Koreans! It was the Scotland vs Lithuania game yesterday too (as some of you may know......3-1, yes!) so I had my "see you Jimmy" hat on. Here's a couple of photos of the concert itself and a video I took when I was up on the terrace watching, and trying to sing along to songs that I had no idea what the words were (must have looked like John Redwood).

After the concert we went into Itaweon and watched the game in a PC "bang" (like an internet cafe but mainly used by Korean hardcore online gamers) and then had a night out in Seoul. Another morning trip back on the subway!

The teaching is still going well, I start phone conversations next week (where I call some of my students and have a chat) so that will mean some later finishes but I've been told its pretty easy.

I now have some speakers for my computer, Neil and I went to E mart (bit like John Lewis), he bought lots of stuff for his flat and I bought a subwoofer and 2 wee speakers! the flat is starting to feel more homely! We had dinner in Emart too, and I think we'll go back because its cheap and they have plastic replicas of all the food so you can point and say in a Little Britain Andy style "I want that one!" It will certainly be useful for learning food types.

Ok i'm off for a jog, need to work off last nights excess. Hope everyone is weel back home.

Lots of Love,


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