Tuesday, January 1, 2008

tours and turkey

Hello everyone,

First things first, a very Happy New Year to you! I'll put my pics and videos from last night up soon, but today here is a bit about some things I did last year around the Christmas period. It was different, but not quite as different as I had thought it was going to be.

I'll start back in mid December, the weekend before Christmas. I took at trip to the World Cup Stadium in Seoul, in an attempt to find a present for somebody (?), and although I didn't find what I was looking for, I still had a good look around. I took the stadium tour (50p) and got to see the dressing rooms, VIP box, and got to walk down to pitch level, although I wasn't allowed to walk on the pitch, which had a big silver blanket on it to protect the grass from the cold. Here are some pictures....I'm very keen to go back later this year when there's a game on, I think the atmosphere would be amazing.

Me up in the VIP box.

outside, looking along the upper level.

Here is a video of my potential debut for South Korea, but it wasn't to be. shame.......I was pumped up.

That weekend was also Gordie's last night in Korea, so we had a good night with him in Hongdae. It was a shame to see him go, but maybe he'll be back later this year. Go on Gordie, you know you want to!!!

It was school as normal on Christmas Eve, and as soon as I had finished that night, I packed a bag and met Neil for a mammoth subway trip into Seoul to stay at the Ramada in the Gangnam area. We had booked an "Executive Twin" which was supposed to be better than a "Superior Twin" (what is it with hotels and fancy sounding room types?) but I thought the room was pretty average. Still, there was a nice view from the window.

We ended up going for a night out in Itaweon that night as the area the hotel was in was pretty quiet. In the morning, I took full advantage of the free breakfast buffet and also used the spa/sauna......a very nice way to start Christmas Day!

Once we had recovered a bit we headed over to the City Hall area of Seoul for a bit of a wander about. Here are a couple of videos, one in a subway station somewhere and one at City Hall itself.

After a couple of hours at City Hall we headed down to the Hilton for our Christmas dinner. The Hilton was very well decorated, with a giant (revolving) christmas tree, massive festive mdel train set and a collection of different Santa dolls from all over the world. As a result, the place was mobbed with families, mostly Korean but quite a few western folk too. We met Scott and the three of us got stuck into some good food. And what good food it was. Not exactly like christmas dinner back home, but good all the same. I had some turkey with gravy and roast potatoes, sadly there was not stuffing or pigs in blankets, but I substituted with lots of smoked salmon, prawns and even a little bit of crab. Here is my plate....the turkey is on there somewhere!

After dinner we headed downstairs to the "Oak Room" to digest and relax. We ordered a couple of malts, and relaxed by the open fire (something I thought I would never see in Korea) while a pretty lady in a red dress sang Christmas songs.

It felt right.

At this point I have nicked some photos from Scott (thanks Scott), here they are:


After relaxing for a while longer and spending too much money we headed back out into the real world and caught the subway home, but not before I had got my bag stuck in the subway doors. As a westerner you usually get stared at on the subway anyway, but this time was exceptional. The worst thing was nobody laughed or even said anything, everybody just looked as I frantically wrestled with the bag trying to drag it onto the train. Eventually the doors re-opened and I was able to salvage my bag and some of my dignity.

It was back to work on Boxing Day, but only for a few days. On Thursday I helped open a new school (no ceremonial oversized scissors though) that my director is running, I was feeling pretty under the weather though so it was a long day. And then, a quiet weekend, and onto Hogmanay/New Year. It seems slightly wrong that I am writing the christmas blog on New Year's day, but that's what happens when you are disorganised like myself. I shall update about New Year on.........Easter? no....in a few days.

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