Thursday, April 9, 2009

A wee update

As the title says, this is just a wee update on what I've been up to in the last few weeks. I will blog again before the start of May, and then again shortly after that. The reasons for this blogging 'timetable' will hopefully become clear below.

The last few weeks have been pretty full on socially, a good few nights out in Seoul, spending time with Lisa and quite a bit of gym/badminton and even a little football too. At the end of my last blog I mentioned I would be playing 5-aside at Munhak where I hurt my ankle in December. It turned out to be a a busier weekend than I had planned!

We went out in Seoul on the Saturday, and I, having not taken the subway home in a while, decided I would give it a go. Big mistake. Of course, the nice heated seats and a good dose of alcohol made sure I drifted off to sleep almost immediately. I woke up 3 hours later about 6 stops from the OTHER end of the line I was supposed to be at (the other side of Seoul). Another 3 hours on the subway and I finally got home at around 11am, but got a text from someone asking if I fancied playing 11-aside as they were a man down. "Why not" says I, so it was off to play for Seoul St. Pats against Incheon Shooters (cue a few dirty looks and shouts of "what are you playing for them for?") Thankfully the guy who was supposed to play eventually turned up so I only had about 60 mins on the field. Straight after it was in a taxi and over to Munhak for 3 hours of 6-aside! Safe to say my feet were a bit tired at the end of the day. Pretty full on, but good fun.

Two weekends ago, Lisa and I spent the day in Wolmido, a seaside area of Incheon, that I have visited a couple of times before. Previously, I didn't really like it that much, but on this occasion we had a really good time. We climbed up the hill (Wolmi san) which afforded brilliant views over Incheon port, down to New Songdo and even out to the new Incheon bridge. Here's the Facebook photo link and a panorama from the top.

Hmmmm I just uploaded it and it's pretty crap. Right, I'll try a non-panorama shot and see if that's any better.

That's a bit better! In the foreground you can see a ship in the lock about to enter the main port basin, and some car carriers loading up. In the distance is the new Incheon bridge. The main span is complete, they are aiming to have it open in October and work seems to be rattling on, I would imagine it'll be on schedule.

After coming back down the 'mountain' (190m high) we went and had a look at the small amusement park at Wolmido, had a surprisingly terrifying ride on a Viking and enjoyed my favourite, the dodgems/bumper cars. Maybe it's because I can't drive in real life, but I love them! We then headed into Chinatown for dinner and caught a taxi home. A good day.

A week ago today (Wednesday) Greg and I finally got our chance to see Oasis in concert in Seoul. We got the bus in and met Scott and (James) Tucker, got our tickets, had a quick beverage of Soju and Powerade (still off the you have to diversify!) and headed in. There was a good crowd, we had standing tickets but weren't allowed too close to the stage, but what with the big screens and our taller stature compared to most Koreans, we got a pretty good view. They didn't disappoint, played most of the classics, Liam was his usual wide-boy self, and the rest of the crowd loved it too. As is often the case with dark venues where everyone is going mental, my photos were mostly blurry, but there were a few good ones. Here's a couple:

The second one courtesy of Greg. Thanks.

What else has been going on? Last weekend saw the start of the Korean baseball season, so on Saturday we went and saw SK Wyverens (Incheon's team, and 2007/2008 Champions) lose 8-2 to Hanwha Eagles. On Sunday there was an Incheon FC game, which myself and Greg went to, they got a great 2-0 win against high-flying new team Gangwon FC. We also caught the tail end of the baseball, this time SK beat Hanwha 5-2, so the series was 1-1.

On Saturday night, it was one of Lisa's friends birthdays so we headed into Seoul. The venue was the Ice Bar, the only one in Korea. You pay 15,000 won (around 7 pounds 50) to get in, this gets you the loan of a silver poncho-style jacket, some gloves and one free drink. The whole place is made of ice, even the glasses. The walls, seats, lots of sculptures, it's all ice! And obviously, to stop it all from melting, the bar is kept at a cool -5C. Here are some piccies:

Lisa in her jacket

The barman serving up the drinks. It's a cool (literally!) place to go for a drink or two, but I wouldn't want it to be my local! We stayed for a short while, then went to a Norie Bang (Karaoke room) and then Lisa and I took a late-night, high-speed taxi back to Incheon.

And so, from past activities, to future plans. The biggest news is that Greg and I have booked our flights to Beijing, we fly with China Southern (hmmmmmmmmmm) on May 2nd and return on May 5th. We are in the process of getting visa's and then it will be time to sort accommodation and what we want to see/do. Must's for me are Tiannamen Square, the Great Wall and the Olympic venues (Bird's Nest, Water Cube especially). We will have almost 4 full days though so we should be able to fit in a bit. When we return it is Greg's birthday and the Seoul World DJ festival the weekend after, the line-up is not as good as last year but it is a nice park and if the weather stays fine it'll be a good weekend I'm sure.

Before that, on Saturday Lisa and I are going to see the Gyeonggi Philharmonic Orchestra in Seoul. I've never been to anything like it before, so I'm quite excited, and it is making me feel very cultured already! The day after we're thinking about taking a bus down to a small village south of Incheon to witness the largest tug-of-war in the world. The rope is over 200m long and over 1m in diameter. Hopefully they'll let us have a go too!

I will post again before we head to Beijing and then again after the DJ festival. Until then, lots of love and goodnight.

Oh, here is another link to my most recent Facebook album. Right now it only has some other photos of the Ice Bar trip but I'll fill it up gradually.

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