Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New decade, new location? - Part 2

Following on from Part 1, I had left Iona on the early ferry, a throwback to Oban High School days. I had to endure 5 years of that boat, and even as an adult it doesn't get much better. Luckily, Joyce Macintyre was heading up to Tobermory so I got a lift with her across Mull, which saved me having to use the bus. After a few hours in Oban, I got the train down to Glasgow and then another down to Penrith, where Mum came and picked me up in her wee Polo. Like the rest of the country, Cumbria was pretty snowy, but Mum did well navigating the narrow back roads to get us back to her and Mike's Barn.

It was nice to finally meet Mike, he seems like a really nice guy, and most importantly Mum seems really happy with him so that is great. I was really impressed with the barn, it was a lot further on than I had imagined, very open plan with a great breakfast bar area and a massive balcony.

Mum at the kitchen 'island'.

Although I didn't have very long with Mum and Mike, we still managed a nice walk and then a drive through some of the surrounding villages, a coffee with Fiona Reid (one of mum's friends) and a nice dinner with mum and Mike's neighbours. But, all too soon, it was time to head North again. Mum and Mike were heading to Iona for New Year so they gave me a lift to Glasgow, where I stocked up on M&S boxer shorts and socks and was reunited with my washbag and headphones (thanks to Aidan and Greg). Then I met Stewart and Bec and we caught a train up to Perth to meet Granny and Grandpa.

After a snowy journey back to Wester Balgedie, we tucked into one of Grannie's delicious dinners. Stewart and Bec headed to Fife that night but I stayed over, and after a quick walk with Grandpa the next morning, Jock and Grandfather came to pick me up. I think it was nice for all the Grandparents to see each other, it had been a while.

Me and all the grandparents (L-R: Grandpa, Grandfather, Granny)

I missed the last Jardine family gathering (Dad's 50th at Achrossan in 2008) so I was very happy to be part of this one. Of course, plenty of beers and other alcoholic beverages were consumed, the fridge in the picture below was pretty empty by the time I left on the 2nd!

The fridge.

Apart from drinking, there was a good walk on Hogmanay, some delicious food courtesy of many different cooks, and of course, the 'Loony Dook'! The aforementioned basically means 'Crazy Dip' and so on New Year's Day Jock, Calum, Alasdair, Rhona and I went for a very brief swim in the North Sea. With frost and snow still on the ground, I was cold even before I went in, and yes, the water was absolutely freezing! Still, it was a good laugh! Here's a couple of pics:


The Loony Dookers. Note the frost on the ground!

On New Year's Day night we had a delicious turkey dinner, and then a good few more drinks! On the 2nd, I awoke somewhat hungover and a bit depressed, said my goodbyes and headed to Glasgow with Dad and Stewart. I had a bit of a lump in my throat as I said goodbye at the airport, but at least this time it is not for a full year.

Upon my arrival at Incheon, I was surprised and delighted to see Lisa had come to meet me, that really lifted my spirits a lot. I have now been back for over a week, and things are going pretty well. The day after I got back, Korea experienced its heaviest snow for over 50 years, and so on Monday I got a call from my boss saying school was shut! It was a real bonus as I was still a bit tired from travelling. Lisa and I used the time to build a snowman, however it was cruelly destroyed by some children shortly after we had finished it. Still, I did manage to catch it on camera.

And so, as I settle back into the routine of Korea (January is a very busy month, there are extra classes for me as we entertain the kids for longer whilst the schools are on holiday), I am already thinking to the months ahead.

In the short-term, Lunar (Chinese) New Year is in the middle of February, although this year we only get one extra day off. Lisa and I had considered going to Japan, but there really isn't enough time and flights are already booked solid, so instead I think we will stay domestic. Maybe a skiing trip, or possibly do the road trip that was meant to happen in November.

I have told my boss that I intend to finish work at GnB on 21st May. I then plan to fly to Bangkok, from where I have already booked a return flight to Singapore. From there I will fly back to Bangkok, then another flight to Hanoi in Vietnam, and then I will work my way back to Bangkok using an as-yet undetermined overland route. I have about a month to do the whole lot, as I would like to be back in Korea for Euan's wedding which is on the 19th of June. All this depends on whether I can persuade my other boss (Sunny) to let me delay my flight home until after Euan's wedding, or give me the cash equivalent, but I don't think that will be a problem. I'll keep you posted. After his wedding, I will return home to the UK for the summer, and then most likely head overseas again.......that is as yet a draft copy!

Well, that's everything pretty much updated, I'll try and blog again soon, might end up being after Lunar New Year, it'll depend on how exciting my life is between now and then!

All the best for 2010, and the new decade!

Grandfather and all his grandchildren

L-R (standing up): Calum, Stewart, Esther, Catriona, Rhona, Me, Alasdair.

L-R (on the sofa): Hannah, JJ, Freya, Toni.

Album from back home: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=365950&id=777495416&l=03461d0749

1 comment:

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