Tuesday, December 18, 2007

cooking at home with Neil

Tough times call for tough measures, and as I am towards the end of my month here, and have very little money to spend until Friday, tonight I decided to do some home cooking, Korean style. I will now introduce you to one of my favourite dishes that I have invented out here. I call it "Chamchi Kerbap" ( chamchi is Korean for Tuna, Ker is egg and Bap is rice).


1 egg

1 tub microwaveable rice

1 can plain tuna

black pepper

tomato sauce/red pepper paste

1 slice processed cheese (optional)


Gently fry egg in a frying pan until cooked, but make sure yolk is still runny. Meanwhile, microwave rice for 3 minutes at high power, or according to manufacturers directions. Drain tuna and put in the bottom of a large plastic bowl. Add rice and egg, and mix thoroughly.

Sprinkle with pepper and tomato sauce to taste. If used, break up cheese slice into several pieces and use as garnish.

Eat immediately. I recommend using Pepsi Max or just water as an accompanying drink.

And in true Blue Peter style.....here's one I made earlier (tonight). Mmmmmmmmmmm!

I would just like to point out to anyone (mum) that may be worried that this is all I eat here, this is not true. I eat a varied diet, maybe I don't always get my 5 a day but I do alright!

If anyone would like any more information on exactly how to make this scrumptious dish, or has any tips/ideas on how to improve it, please leave a comment or e-mail me. Love, Neil


Unknown said...

Looks amazing.

mark said...

Anja says'What about Thai style whelk salad? I've got the recipe right here in this fab new book Mark gave me for Christmas' or Kipper Carbonara?.......